USJ环球影城 Mario盆栽马里奥按动圆珠笔

USJ环球影城 Mario盆栽马里奥按动圆珠笔

Size: Approximately W2.8cm x H17.7cm x D2.8cm
Ink color: Black
Material: ABS resin, polycarbonate

You can't help but smile at the cute trick where Mario pops out of a clay pipe. A ballpoint pen full of worldviews.


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  • AUD 30.00

标签 USJ环球影城周边, USJ大阪环球影城, USJ环球影城马里奥圆珠笔, USJ环球影城马里奥盆栽圆珠笔, USJ环球影城mario圆珠笔, USJ环球影Mario城盆栽圆珠笔, USJ环球影城圆珠笔, USJ环球影城文具